about wolfgang gassler

Wolfgang Gassler

Hi, I am Wolfgang and I am a tech consultant and podcast co-host with a passion for open source and working with people. My mission is to help teams and organizations unlock their potential by optimizing technology, fostering collaborative cultures, and building scalable systems. I thrive on creating environments where both individuals and products can excel.

With experience leading cross-functional teams of 25+ members and collaborating on innovative projects, I bring a hands-on approach to solving complex challenges. As the co-host of Engineering Kiosk, I explore engineering culture, open source, and emerging tech trends. I’ve also contributed to open-source projects like Open Podcast Analytics, empowering podcasters with full data ownership, and co-created codeprints.dev, which transforms git histories into personalized art.

My tech journey began in the late 90s, building web platforms with Perl and PHP 3. Since then, I’ve worked across various industries, earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Innsbruck (specializing in databases and recommender systems), and co-authored a MySQL book published by Rheinwerk, Germany’s leading IT publisher.

At the core of my work is a passion for technology, people, and continuous learning. Whether developing scalable databases, improving team dynamics, or advancing product development, I’m driven by curiosity and a commitment to empowering individuals and organizations alike.

If you’re interested in collaborating, check out my consulting page—or feel free to contact me for any other inquiries.

My Interests


(Side) Projects

my life in academia

my education

Imprint / Editorial Responsibility

Wolfgang Gassler
