Developer vs. Data Scientist (Guest on Data Science Deep Dive Podcast)

Why do conflicts often arise between Data Scientists and Developers? In this episode, my co-host Andy and I discussed together with Mira and Sebastian in the Data Science Deep Dive Podcast to get to the bottom of this question. We talk about typical clichés and why they lead to conflicts. Together, we discuss which skills help both species work together harmoniously in the end - instead of slowing each other down. Podcast is in German. more...

Servant Leadership (Guest on Agiler Senf Podcast)

Servant Leadership is a people-first approach that fosters team growth through empathy and support while maintaining professional boundaries. I was a guest on the Agile Senf podcast, where we discussed balancing team dynamics versus a family-like culture, when Servant Leadership is most effective, adapting in crises, and creating career paths in tech beyond traditional management roles. Podcast is in German. more...

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